from elemental_utils import ElementalDns, ElementalCdns from pynetbox.models.virtualization import VirtualMachines from pynetbox.core.response import Record from elemental_utils import cpnr from typing import List import concurrent.futures import logging from cleu.config import Config as C # type: ignore def normalize_cnames(cnames: List[str], domain: str) -> List[str]: """ Given a list of CNAMEs, ensure each one is stripped, ends with a '.' and has the default domain name if another domain name is not present. Args: :cnames List[str]: List of CNAMEs to normalize :domain str: Default domain name to append to unqualified CNAMEs Returns: :List[str]: Normalized list of CNAMEs """ cnames = [s.strip() for s in cnames] cnames = list(map(lambda s: s + "." if ("." in s and not s.endswith(".")) else s, cnames)) cnames = list(map(lambda s: s + f".{domain}" if (not s.endswith(".")) else s, cnames)) return cnames def dedup_cnames(cnames: List[str], domain: str) -> List[str]: """ Ensure a list of CNAMEs is unique Args: :cnames List[str]: List of CNAMEs to check :domain str: Domain name to append to those unqualified CNAMEs Returns: :List[str]: De-duped list of CNAMEs """ cname_dict = {} cname_list = normalize_cnames(cnames, domain) for c in cname_list: cname_dict[c] = True return list(cname_dict.keys()) def get_cname_record(alias: str, domain: str, edns: ElementalDns) -> cpnr.models.model.Record: """Get a CNAME RRSet if it exists. Args: :alias str: Alias for which to search :domain str: Domain name in which to look for the CNAME alias :edns ElementalDns: ElementalDns object that is the auth DNS Returns: :Record: Resource Record set if CNAME is found else (or if auth DNS cannot be found) None """ return edns.rrset.get(alias, zoneOrigin=domain) def launch_parallel_task( task, task_name: str, iterator: list, name_attribute: str, workers: int = 20, stop_on_error: bool = False, /, *args ) -> bool: """Execute a parallel task using thread pools. Args: :task (function): Task/function to execute :task_name str: Description of the task :iterator list: List of items on which to run the task :name_attribute str: Name of the attribute to identify the item :workers int: Number of threads to use (default: 20) :stop_on_error bool: Whether to stop if an error is encountered (default: False) :*args: Arguments to the task Returns: :bool: True if the task succeeded, False otherwise """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) result = True with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=workers) as executor: future_task = {executor.submit(task, item, *args): item for item in iterator} for ft in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_task): item = future_task[ft] try: ft.result() except Exception as e: if not name_attribute: logger.exception(f"⛔️ Failed to {task_name} for {item}: {e}") else: logger.exception(f"⛔️ Failed to {task_name} for {getattr(item, name_attribute)}: {e}") result = False if stop_on_error: break return result def restart_dns_servers(edns: ElementalDns, cdnses: list) -> None: """Restart all affected DNS servers. Args: :edns ElementalDns: ElementalDns object to restart :ecdns ElementalCdns: ElementalCdns object to restart """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: edns.sync_ha_pair(instance="DNSHA", add_params={"mode": "exact", "direction": "fromMain"}) except Exception: # This can fail when we don't yet have an HA pair. pass edns.reload_server()"🏁 Reloaded server {edns.base_url}") # Restart each applicable CDNS server. for cdns in cdnses: ecdns = ElementalCdns(url=f"https://{cdns}:8443/") ecdns.reload_server()"🏁 Reloaded CDNS server {ecdns.base_url}") def get_reverse_zone(ip: str) -> str: """Get the reverse zone for an IP. Args: :ip str: IP address to parse Returns: :str: Reverse zone name """ octets = ip.split(".") rzone_name = f"{'.'.join(octets[::-1][1:])}" return rzone_name def parse_txt_record(txt_record: str) -> dict: """Parse a NetBox TXT record and return a dict of it. Args: :txt_record str: String representation of the TXT record data Returns: :dict: Dict of the results with each field a key """ result = {} txt_record = txt_record.strip('"') if not txt_record.startswith("v=_netbox"): raise ValueError(f"Invalid NetBox TXT record data: {txt_record}") key_vals = txt_record.split(" ") for key_val in key_vals: if "=" in key_val: (key, value) = key_val.split("=") result[key] = value else: result[key_val] = None return result