# # Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Lionel Hercot # All rights reserved. # import requests import sys import json from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning # type: ignore from flask import Flask from flask import abort from flask_restful import Api from flask_restful import Resource from flask_restful import reqparse from flask import send_file from pathlib import Path from io import BytesIO from ipaddress import IPv6Address import os import traceback import CLEUCreds # type: ignore from cleu.config import Config as C # type: ignore from PIL import Image, ImageDraw app = Flask(__name__) api = Api(app) # Disable SSL warnings requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning) @app.after_request def after_request(response): response.headers.add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") response.headers.add("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type,Authorization") response.headers.add("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET,PUT,POST,DELETE") return response cmxBaseUrl = C.CMX cmxAuth = (CLEUCreds.CMX_USERNAME, CLEUCreds.CMX_PASSWORD) cmxMapAuth = (CLEUCreds.CMX_MAP_USERNAME, CLEUCreds.CMX_PASSWORD) PORT = 8002 imgDir = "maps/" markerDir = "markers/" markerFiles = os.listdir(markerDir) markers = {} for filename in markerFiles: name = filename.split(".")[0] markers[name] = Image.open(markerDir + filename).convert("RGBA") markers[name].thumbnail((100, 100), Image.ANTIALIAS) # markerW, markerH = marker.size apiUri = { "mac": "/api/location/v3/clients?macAddress=", "ip": "/api/location/v3/clients?ipAddress=", "map": "/api/config/v1/maps/imagesource/", "ssid": "/api/location/v3/clients/?include=metadata&pageSize=1000&page=", "count": "/api/location/v3/clients/count", "floors": "/api/config/v1/maps", "tag": "/api/location/v1/tags/", } def serve_pil_image(pil_img): img_io = BytesIO() pil_img.save(img_io, "JPEG", quality=100) img_io.seek(0) return send_file(img_io, mimetype="image/jpeg") def getMap(imageName): imgFile = Path(imgDir + imageName) if not imgFile.is_file(): respImg = requests.get(cmxBaseUrl + apiUri["map"] + imageName, auth=cmxMapAuth, verify=False, stream=True) if respImg.status_code == 200: with open(str(imgFile), "wb") as f: for chunk in respImg: f.write(chunk) def getAllFloorMaps(): response = requests.get(cmxBaseUrl + apiUri["floors"], auth=cmxMapAuth, verify=False) floorList = {} if response and response != "": try: dataDict = json.loads(response.text) if "campuses" in dataDict: for campus in dataDict["campuses"]: if "buildingList" in campus: for building in campus["buildingList"]: for floor in building["floorList"]: floorId = floor["aesUid"] imageName = floor["image"]["imageName"] floorList[floorId] = imageName getMap(imageName) except: print("Unexpected error" + str(sys.exc_info()[0]), file=sys.stderr) raise return floorList class CMX(Resource): def get(self): parser = reqparse.RequestParser() parser.add_argument("ip", location="args", help="IP address of the endpoint") parser.add_argument("ipv6", location="args", help="IPv6 address of the endpoint") parser.add_argument("mac", location="args", help="MAC address of the endpoint") parser.add_argument("marker", location="args", help="Marker used to display the location of the endpoint", default="marker") parser.add_argument("size", location="args", help="Size of the image returned") parser.add_argument("tag", location="args", help="Asset tag MAC address") args = parser.parse_args() response = "" if args.get("ip"): clientIp = args.get("ip") response = requests.get(cmxBaseUrl + apiUri["ip"] + clientIp, auth=cmxAuth, verify=False) elif args.get("tag"): clientMac = args.get("tag") response = requests.get(cmxBaseUrl + apiUri["tag"] + clientMac, auth=cmxAuth, verify=False) elif args.get("mac"): clientMac = args.get("mac") response = requests.get(cmxBaseUrl + apiUri["mac"] + clientMac, auth=cmxAuth, verify=False) elif args.get("ipv6"): clientIp = IPv6Address(args.get("ipv6")).exploded response = requests.get(cmxBaseUrl + apiUri["ip"] + clientIp, auth=cmxAuth, verify=False) markerName = args.get("marker") marker = markers["marker"] if markerName in markers: marker = markers[markerName] markerW, markerH = marker.size if response and response != "": try: dataDict = json.loads(response.text) result = None if args.get("tag") and dataDict and "mapInfo" in dataDict: result = dataDict elif len(dataDict) > 0 and "mapInfo" in dataDict[0]: result = dataDict[0] if result is not None: imageName = result["mapInfo"]["image"]["imageName"] mapLength = result["mapInfo"]["floorDimension"]["length"] mapWidth = result["mapInfo"]["floorDimension"]["width"] imageLength = result["mapInfo"]["image"]["height"] imageWidth = result["mapInfo"]["image"]["width"] coordX = result["mapCoordinate"]["x"] coordY = result["mapCoordinate"]["y"] positionX = (imageWidth / mapWidth) * coordX positionY = (imageLength / mapLength) * coordY getMap(imageName) im = Image.open(str(imgDir + imageName)) positionX = positionX - markerW / 2 positionY = positionY - markerH offset = (int(positionX), int(positionY)) im.paste(marker, offset, marker) if args.get("size"): # print('SIZE', file=sys.stderr) size = args.get("size") im.thumbnail((int(size), int(size)), Image.ANTIALIAS) return serve_pil_image(im) else: abort(404, "Requested element not found") except Exception as inst: traceback.print_exc() print("Unexpected error with request= {} | error : {}".format(response.text, inst), file=sys.stderr) return {"response": str(response.text), "error": str(inst)}, 500 return abort(404, "Missing parameter ip, ipv6 or mac. Other possible parameters are: marker (" + ", ".join(markers.keys()) + ")") class CMX_SSID(Resource): def get(self): parser = reqparse.RequestParser() parser.add_argument("ssid", help="SSID used by the clients") parser.add_argument("floor", help="Floor used by the clients") parser.add_argument("marker", help="Marker used to display the location of the endpoint", default="marker") args = parser.parse_args() response = "" if args.get("ssid"): ssid = args.get("ssid") countResp = requests.get(cmxBaseUrl + apiUri["count"], auth=cmxAuth, verify=False) try: dataDict = json.loads(countResp.text) if "count" in dataDict: count = dataDict["count"] maxPageId = (count // 1000) + 1 print("Count: {} MaxPage: {}".format(count, maxPageId), file=sys.stderr) userList = {} floorList = getAllFloorMaps() for pageId in range(1, maxPageId): print("Page: {} MaxPage: {}".format(pageId, maxPageId), file=sys.stderr) response = requests.get(cmxBaseUrl + apiUri["ssid"] + str(pageId), auth=cmxAuth, verify=False) if response and response.text != "": try: userDict = json.loads(response.text) for user in userDict: if user["ssId"] == ssid: floorName = user["mapInfo"]["floorRefId"] if floorName in userList: userList[floorName].append(user) else: userList[floorName] = [user] except: print( "Unexpected error with page request= " + response.text + " | error : " + str(sys.exc_info()[0]), file=sys.stderr, ) return {"response": str(response.text), "error": str(inst)}, 500 if args.get("floor"): floor = args.get("floor") if floor in userList: markerName = args.get("marker") marker = "" if markerName in markers: marker = markers[markerName] else: marker = markers["marker"] markerW, markerH = marker.size imageName = floorList[floorName] getMap() im = Image.open(str(imgDir + imageName)) for data in userList[floor]: mapInfo = data["mapInfo"] mapLength = mapInfo["floorDimension"]["length"] mapWidth = mapInfo["floorDimension"]["width"] imageLength = mapInfo["image"]["height"] imageWidth = mapInfo["image"]["width"] coordX = data["mapCoordinate"]["x"] coordY = data["mapCoordinate"]["y"] positionX = (imageWidth / mapWidth) * coordX positionY = (imageLength / mapLength) * coordY positionX = positionX - markerW / 2 positionY = positionY - markerH offset = (int(positionX), int(positionY)) im.paste(marker, offset, marker) return serve_pil_image(im) elif floor in floorList: imageName = floorList[floor] getMap(imageName) im = Image.open(str(imgDir + imageName)) return serve_pil_image(im) else: abort(404) else: return list(floorList.keys()) except Exception as inst: print("Unexpected error with request= {} | error : {}".format(countResp, inst), file=sys.stderr) return {"response": str(countResp), "error": str(inst)}, 500 class sync(Resource): def get(self): return getAllFloorMaps() class home(Resource): def get(self): return {} api.add_resource(home, "/") api.add_resource(CMX, "/api/v0.1/cmx") api.add_resource(CMX_SSID, "/api/v0.1/ssid") api.add_resource(sync, "/api/v0.1/sync") if __name__ == "__main__": app.run(host=C.WSGI_SERVER, debug=True, port=PORT, threaded=True)