#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Joe Clarke # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. from __future__ import print_function from builtins import input from meraki_api import Meraki, Network, Vlan, SwitchPort, SSID, Device import yaml import argparse import sys import os from colorama import Fore, Style import colorama BANNER = "[{}] **********************************************************" def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=sys.argv[0], description="Add devices to network") parser.add_argument("--config", "-c", metavar="", help="Path to the organization configuration file", required=True) parser.add_argument("--networks", "-n", metavar="[,[,...]]", help="Comma-separated list of networks to process") args = parser.parse_args() colorama.init() if not os.path.isfile(args.config): print("Config file {} does not exist or is not a file!".format(args.config)) sys.exit(1) print(BANNER.format("Loading config file")) with open(args.config, "r") as c: config = yaml.load(c) print("{}ok{}\n".format(Fore.GREEN, Style.RESET_ALL)) for key in ["api_key", "organization", "networks"]: if key not in config: print("Invalid config: {} is missing!".format(key)) sys.exit(1) meraki = Meraki(key=config["api_key"]) orgs = meraki.get_organizations() org = None for o in orgs: if o.get("name") == config["organization"]: org = o break if org is None: print("Failed to find organization {} in this profile!".format(config["organization"])) sys.exit(1) nets = org.get_networks() inv = org.get_inventory() errors = 0 configure_nets = None if args.networks is not None: configure_nets = args.networks.split(",") for net in config["networks"]: nerrors = 0 net_obj = None nname = list(net.keys())[0] print(BANNER.format("Configuring network {}".format(nname))) if configure_nets is not None and nname not in configure_nets: print("{}skipping (not in specified network list){}".format(Fore.BLUE, Style.RESET_ALL)) continue validn = True for key in ["address", "timezone"]: if key not in net[nname]: print("{}Invalid network config for {}: {} is missing!{}".format(Fore.RED, nname, key, Style.RESET_ALL)) errors += 1 validn = False break if not validn: continue for n in nets: if n.get("name") == nname: net_obj = n break if net_obj is None: nargs = {"timezone": net[nname]["timezone"]} if "copy_from_network" in net[nname]: for n in nets: if n.get("name") == net[nname]["copy_from_network"]: nargs["copy_from_network_id"] = n.get("id") break net_obj = org.create_network(nname, **nargs) if net_obj is None: print("{}Error creating new network {}!{}".format(Fore.RED, nname, Style.RESET_ALL)) errors += 1 continue if "devices" in net[nname]: for dev in net[nname]["devices"]: serial = list(dev.keys())[0] if "name" not in dev[serial]: print("{}Invalid device {}: name is missing!{}".format(Fore.RED, serial, Style.RESET_ALL)) nerrors += 1 continue inv_dev = [device for device in inv if device["serial"] == serial] if len(inv_dev) == 1: dev_obj = None if inv_dev[0]["networkId"] is not None and inv_dev[0]["networkId"] != net_obj.get("id"): try: inv_net_obj = Network(key=config["api_key"], id=inv_dev[0]["networkId"]) dev_obj = Device(key=config["api_key"], id=inv_dev[0]["serial"], net=inv_net_obj) res = dev_obj.remove_device() if not res: print( "{}Error removing {} from network {}!{}".format( Fore.RED, inv_dev[0]["serial"], inv_dev[0]["networkId"], Style.RESET_ALL ) ) nerrors += 1 continue print( "{}update: removed {} from network {}{}".format( Fore.YELLOW, inv_dev[0]["serial"], inv_dev[0]["networkId"], Style.RESET_ALL ) ) res = net_obj.claim_device(dev_obj) if not res: print("{}Error claiming {}!{}".format(Fore.RED, inv_dev[0]["serial"], Style.RESET_ALL)) nerrors += 1 continue print("{}update: claimed {}{}".format(Fore.YELLOW, inv_dev[0]["serial"], Style.RESET_ALL)) dev_obj = res except Exception as e: print( "{}Error updating device network membership for {}: {}{}".format( Fore.RED, inv_dev[0]["serial"], e, Style.RESET_ALL ) ) nerrors += 1 continue elif inv_dev[0]["networkId"] is None: try: dev_obj = Device(key=config["api_key"], id=inv_dev[0]["serial"], net=net_obj) res = net_obj.claim_device(dev_obj) if not res: print("{}Error claiming device {}{}".format(Fore.RED, inv_dev[0]["serial"], Style.RESET_ALL)) nerrors += 1 continue print("{}update: claimed {}{}".format(Fore.YELLOW, inv_dev[0]["serial"], Style.RESET_ALL)) dev_obj = res except Exception as e: print("{}Error claiming device {}: {}{}".format(Fore.RED, inv_dev[0]["serial"], e, Style.RESET_ALL)) nerrors += 1 continue else: dev_obj = Device(key=config["api_key"], id=inv_dev[0]["serial"], net=net_obj) print("{}ok: {} is in network{}".format(Fore.GREEN, inv_dev[0]["serial"], Style.RESET_ALL)) dev_location = net[nname]["address"] dev_name = dev[serial]["name"] if "location" in dev[serial]: dev_location += "\n" + dev[serial]["location"] dev_obj.update_device(name=dev_name, address=dev_location, move_map_marker=True) print("{}update: updated {} name and location{}".format(Fore.YELLOW, inv_dev[0]["serial"], Style.RESET_ALL)) else: print("{}Error finding {} in inventory!{}".format(Fore.RED, serial, Style.RESET_ALL)) nerrors += 1 if "vlans" in net[nname]: # Ugh. There is no API to enable VLANs yet. So it's best to # make this a manual step. We could interact over the web, but # then we'd need to ask for a real user's credentials. # # If we copied from an existing network, then we assume that # network has VLANs enabled. If not, this will fail. # if "copy_from_network" not in net[nname]: print("\n") input( '!!! Enable VLANs for network "{}" manually in the dashboard (under Security appliance > Addressing & VLANs), then hit \ enter to proceed !!!'.format( nname ) ) print("") for vlan in net[nname]["vlans"]: vname = list(vlan.keys())[0] done_msg = "" if int(vlan[vname]["id"]) != 1: vlan_obj = net_obj.create_vlan(vname, vlan[vname]["id"], vlan[vname]["subnet"], vlan[vname]["appliance_ip"]) done_msg = "{}update: created VLAN {} (id={}, subnet={}, appliance_ip={}){}".format( Fore.YELLOW, vname, vlan[vname]["id"], vlan[vname]["subnet"], vlan[vname]["appliance_ip"], Style.RESET_ALL ) else: vlan_obj = Vlan(key=config["api_key"], id=1, net=net_obj) done_msg = "{}ok: VLAN with ID {} exists{}".format(Fore.GREEN, vlan[vname]["id"], Style.RESET_ALL) if vlan_obj is None: print( "{}Error creating VLAN {} (id={}, subnet={}, appliance_ip={})!{}".format( Fore.RED, vname, vlan[vname]["id"], vlan[vname]["subnet"], vlan[vname]["appliance_ip"], Style.RESET_ALL ) ) nerrors += 1 continue print(done_msg) vargs = {} for key in ["reserved_ip_ranges", "fixed_ip_assignments", "dns_nameservers"]: if key in vlan[vname]: vargs[key] = vlan[vname][key] res = vlan_obj.update_vlan(**vargs) vargs_str = ", ".join(["{}={}".format(k, v) for k, v in vargs.items()]) if not res: print("{}Error updating VLAN {} ({})!{}".format(Fore.RED, vname, vargs_str, Style.RESET_ALL)) nerrors += 1 else: print("{}update: Update VLAN {} ({}){}".format(Fore.YELLOW, vname, vargs_str, Style.RESET_ALL)) if "ssids" in net[nname]: if len(net[nname]["ssids"]) > 15: print("{}Only fifteen SSIDs are allowed per network!{}".format(Fore.RED, Style.RESET_ALL)) nerrors += 1 else: si = 0 for ssid in net[nname]["ssids"]: sname = list(ssid.keys())[0] ssid_obj = SSID(key=config["api_key"], id=si, name=sname, net=net_obj) sargs = {} for key in ["name", "enabled", "auth_mode", "encryption_mode", "psk", "ip_assignment_mode"]: if key in ssid[sname]: sargs[key] = ssid[sname][key] res = ssid_obj.update_ssid(**sargs) sargs_str = ", ".join(["{}={}".format(k, v) for k, v in sargs.items()]) if not res: print("{}Error updating SSID {} ({})!{}".format(Fore.RED, sname, sargs_str, Style.RESET_ALL)) nerrors += 1 else: print("{}update: Update SSID {} ({}){}".format(Fore.YELLOW, sname, sargs_str, Style.RESET_ALL)) si += 1 if "switches" in net[nname]: for switch in net[nname]["switches"]: serial = list(switch.keys())[0] dev_obj = Device(key=config["api_key"], id=serial, net=net_obj) if not dev_obj.realize(): print("{}Device {} is not in network {}{}".format(Fore.RED, serial, net_obj.get("name"), Style.RESET_ALL)) nerrors += 1 continue for switchport in switch[serial]: port_range = list(switchport.keys())[0] ports = [] if isinstance(port_range, int): port_obj = SwitchPort(key=config["api_key"], id=port_range, dev=dev_obj) ports.append(port_obj) else: prs = port_range.split(",") for pr in prs: pr = pr.strip() if isinstance(pr, int): port_obj = SwitchPort(key=config["api_key"], id=pr, dev=dev_obj) ports.append(pr) else: if "-" not in pr: print("{}Port range {} is invalid.{}".format(Fore.RED, pr, Style.RESET_ALL)) nerrors += 1 continue (start, end) = pr.split("-") start = start.strip() end = end.strip() if not isinstance(start, int) or not isinstance(end, int): print( "{}Error with port range '{}', {} and {} must be integers{}".format( Fore.RED, pr, start, end, Style.RESET_ALL ) ) nerrors += 1 continue if start >= end: print("{}Error with port range {}; start must be less than end{}".format(Fore.RED, pr, Style.RESET_ALL)) nerrors += 1 continue pi = start while pi <= end: port_obj = SwitchPort(key=config["api_key"], id=pi, dev=dev_obj) ports.append(port_obj) pi += 1 for port in ports: pargs = {} for key in ["name", "tags", "enabled", "type", "vlan", "voice_vlan", "allowed_vlans", "poe_enabled"]: if key in switchport[port_range]: pargs[key] = switchport[port_range][key] res = port.update_switchport(**pargs) pargs_str = ", ".join(["{}={}".format(k, v) for k, v in pargs.items()]) if not res: print("{}Error updating switchport range {} ({}){}".format(Fore.RED, port_range, pargs_str, Style.RESET_ALL)) nerrors += 1 else: print("{}update: Update switchport range {} ({}){}".format(Fore.YELLOW, port_range, pargs_str, Style.RESET_ALL)) if nerrors == 0: print("{}ok: network {} has been setup successfully!{}\n".format(Fore.GREEN, nname, Style.RESET_ALL)) else: print( "{}Error fully configuring network {}. See the errors above for more details.{}\n".format(Fore.RED, nname, Style.RESET_ALL) ) errors += nerrors if errors == 0: print("{}ok: all networks have been setup successfully!{}\n".format(Fore.GREEN, Style.RESET_ALL)) else: print( "{}There were errors setting up some of the networks. See the output above for more details.{}\n".format( Fore.RED, Style.RESET_ALL ) ) sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()