SNMP Translate & Search Online Documentation


Purpose & Scope

The purpose of this tool is to provide users a way of translating object IDs to object names and vice versa in a fast and easy manner. Trying to do such translations manually is time consuming, and susceptible to to errors and confusion.

While this tool is useful, it does not teach a full understanding of MIB syntax or MIB structure. It does its best to condense the MIB to show the important bits of the objects. It also does not teach SNMP fundamentals. It is highly recommended that users understand the mechanics behind SNMP by reading other sources like SNMP, SNMPv2, SNMPv3, and RMON 1 and 2 by Stallings.

This tool, while it does provide an interface to read MIBs, does not cover how to compile those MIBs into various management applications. For help and tips on compiling MIBs, please read the mib-compilers document from Cisco Systems, Inc.

For help on determining what MIBs are supported on various Cisco devices, please see the support lists. NOTE: The support lists are not 100% accurate, and should only be used as an initial reference.

User Interface


Object Identifier or Object Name is an input that specifies the OID or object name to translate.

Translate Options are radio buttons that allow for determining the output for the translation.

Search Pattern is a text field that specifies a string to find within the MIB tree.

Search description is a checkbox that enables support for searching object descriptions. With this checked, both object names as well as their descriptions will be searched for the given pattern. Without this option, only the object names are searched.



Find Objects

Interpreting Results

Sample Output 1

Source: This output is obtained by doing a simple translation of ciscoStackMIB. The output will display ciscoStackMIB and the corresponding OID for that object.

ciscoStackMIB = .

Understanding: ciscoStackMIB is the short object name that needs to be translated. The object identifier for this object is .

Sample Output 2

Source: This output is obtained by doing a tree translation on system.

+--system(1) detail
   +-- -R-- String    sysDescr(1)
   |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
   |        Size: 0..255
   +-- -R-- ObjID     sysObjectID(2)
   +-- -R-- Timeticks sysUpTime(3) detail
   |  |
   |  +--sysUpTimeInstance(0)
   +-- -RW- String    sysContact(4)
   |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
   |        Size: 0..255
   +-- -RW- String    sysName(5)
   |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
   |        Size: 0..255
   +-- -RW- String    sysLocation(6)
   |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
   |        Size: 0..255
   +-- -R-- Integer   sysServices(7)
   +-- -R-- Timeticks sysORLastChange(8)
   |        Textual Convention: TimeStamp
   +--sysORTable(9) detail
   |  |
   |  +--sysOREntry(1) detail
   |  |  |
   |  |  +-- ---- Integer   sysORIndex(1)
   |  |  +-- -R-- ObjID     sysORID(2)
   |  |  +-- -R-- String    sysORDescr(3)
   |  |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
   |  |  |        Size: 0..255
   |  |  +-- -R-- Timeticks sysORUpTime(4)
   |  |  |        Textual Convention: TimeStamp

Understanding: The OID at the top of the output denotes the object identifier for the parent node of this tree. The colors in this output are important. Everything colored green is a branch node. Clicking on those objects will redraw the tree starting at that point. Everything colored magenta is a leaf node. Clicking on those objects will reveal detail on the object. Also, clicking on the detail link will reveal detail about a branch node.

The ---- next to leaf nodes represents the access of those nodes. -R-- refers to read-only access, -RW- refers to read-write access, CR-- refers to read-create access, and ---- indicates the object is not accessible.

The number in parenthesis next to the object name refers to the object's subid in the tree. For instance, the (4) next to sysContact, indicates that sysContact is system.4.

Traps and notifications have the word Trap preceeding them in bold-face. To find traps or notifications quickly, do a search for "Trap" using your browser's page search capability.

Sample Output 3

Source: This output is obtained by doing a detailed translation of rttMonThresholdNotification.

rttMonThresholdNotification OBJECT-TYPE
        VARBINDS        { rttMonCtrlAdminTag, rttMonHistoryCollectionAddress, rttMonCtrlOperOverThresholdOccurred }
        DESCRIPTION    "A rttMonThresholdNotification indicates the 
       occurrence of a threshold violation for a RTT operation,
       and it indicates the previous violation has subsided for
       a subsequent RTT operation.  Precisely, this has resulted
       in rttMonCtrlOperOverThresholdOccurred changing value.  
       When the RttMonRttType is 'pathEcho', this 
       notification will only be sent when the threshold
       violation occurs during an operation to the target and
       not to a hop along the path to the target.  This also
       applies to the subsiding of a threshold condition.

       If History is not being collected, the instance values 
       for the rttMonHistoryCollectionAddress object will not 
       be valid.  When RttMonRttType is not 'echo' or 'pathEcho'
       the rttMonHistoryCollectionAddress object will be null."
::= { iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) cisco(9) ciscoMgmt(9) ciscoRttMonMIB(42) rttMonNotificationsPrefix(2) rttMonNotifications(0) 3 } 

Understanding: The OID at the top of the output denotes the object indetifier for this node. The next line displays the short object name for this node, and indicates that this node is an OBJECT-TYPE. The next line tells what MIB that this object can be found in. The next line indicates what type of object this node is. In this example, a Trap object is being displayed. Other types include, OCTET STRING, Counter, Gauge, TimeTicks, IpAddress, Opaque, OBJECT ID, NetAddress, Null, BitString, Counter64, NsapAddress, Integer, and UInteger.

Since this object is a trap, a list of variable bindings, or varbinds is provided. Varbinds are sent along with the trap to further describe why the trap was sent. In this example, three varbinds are sent with the trap. Clicking on a varbind name will yield details about that varbind.

The DESCRIPTION field is taken directly from the object's definition within the MIB. The final piece of information shows where in the MIB tree this object can be found.

Sample Output 4

Source: This output is taken from a search for modem.*inuse.

Found 3 match(es)

cmSystemModemsInUse [detail] | [tree]
ciscoHealthMonNumModemsInUse [detail] | [tree]
ciscoHealthMonModemsInUse [detail] | [tree]

Understanding: This output shows the matching objects based on the search pattern given. All objects have a detail link next to them that will provide a detailed translation on the given object. If the object is a branch node, the tree link will be active. Clicking on that link will produce a tree starting from the given branch node. If the object is a leaf node, the tree link will be greyed out.

Error Messages & Warnings


SNMP Translate Error

Either the object name or object identifier that was entered was not found within the MIB tree, or the pattern entered was invalid. If you are sure the object entered is valid, then perhaps the object is found in a MIB that has not been loaded into this tool. Send email to to request the MIB to be loaded.

SNMP Search Error

No objects were found matching the given search pattern. Please check your search pattern, and verify it is correct. You may also want to check the Search description checkbox. If the pattern is correct, and you believe the pattern should return an object or objects, then perhaps there is a MIB missing from this tool. Send email to to request the MIB to be loaded.

Bad Regular Expression

The regular expression entered does not meet POSIX 1003.2 extended format standards. Please refer to the regular expression manual for help on correct syntax.